Tuesday, January 31, 2006


One of the things you might be able to take some interest in for identifying WiFi networks is the art of Wardriving. Wardriving is essentially the art of driving around and identifying exactly where there are WAPs, whether secured or unsecured. All you really need to Wardrive is a computer with a Wireless card. However, I recommend also installing a software application like Netstumbler for when you are wardriving. This will give you a faster indication of where a network in, and often these programs have built in GPS to help as well.

I just did a little wardriving the other night while my fiancee drove us home from having dinner out on the town and in less then a mile driving from one side of Baraboo to near the courthouse I hit 34 different WAPs, of which only 5 were protected with any kind of security. Amazing, heh?

Give it a try sometime, you will be surprised at just how much fun you will have.


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